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Exploring LinkedIn Icons: A Visual Guide

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking platform, is a powerhouse for building connections, enhancing your professional image, and discovering opportunities. Navigating this platform effectively involves understanding the meanings behind its various icons. In this visual guide, we will take you through the key LinkedIn icons and their significance, empowering you to make the most of your LinkedIn journey.

LinkedIn’s icons are more than just images – they represent features and actions that are crucial to your professional journey. Each icon tells a story and holds a unique function that contributes to your networking success.

Profile Icons

Your LinkedIn profile is your virtual business card, and the icons associated with it reflect your personal brand.

Understanding Your Profile Photo

Your profile photo is the first thing people notice. A clear, professional photo makes a positive impression, fostering trust and approachability.

The Background Photo: Making a Strong First Impression

The background photo allows you to showcase your personality and professional identity. Choose an image that aligns with your industry and ambitions.

The Headline: Defining Your Professional Identity

Your headline appears beneath your name and is a prime opportunity to highlight your expertise and industry focus.

Contact and Personal Information: Stay Connected

These icons facilitate direct contact and give viewers insight into your location, industry, and contact information.

Connection Icons

Connecting is at the heart of LinkedIn’s purpose – expanding your professional network.

Connect: Growing Your Network

Sending connection requests is the foundation of networking on LinkedIn. Personalize your requests to increase acceptance rates.

Message: Direct Communication

Use the messaging feature to engage in meaningful conversations, establish rapport, and explore potential collaborations.

Notifications: Staying Informed

Notifications keep you updated on connection requests, profile views, and engagement with your content.

Interaction Icons

Interacting with content showcases your engagement and expertise.

Like and Comment: Engaging with Posts

Liking and commenting on posts boost engagement, show your active presence, and contribute to discussions.

Share: Amplifying Relevant Content

Share insightful content to position yourself as an industry thought leader and reach a broader audience.

Send: Sharing Profiles and Content Privately

This icon enables you to privately share profiles, articles, and posts with specific connections.

Content Icons

Sharing your knowledge and insights enhances your professional reputation.

Write an Article: Sharing Your Expertise

Publish articles to demonstrate your expertise, provide value, and foster connections through thoughtful content.

Create a Post: Sharing Updates and Insights

Regularly posting updates, news, and insights keeps your network informed and engaged.

Explore Icons

Navigate beyond your profile to discover opportunities and connections.

Jobs: Discovering Professional Opportunities

The jobs icon leads you to a world of job postings, allowing you to explore new roles aligned with your career goals.

Network: Building and Managing Connections

Use this icon to explore your connections’ connections, expanding your network strategically.

Premium Icons

LinkedIn offers premium features for enhanced networking and job hunting.

InMail: Direct Messaging to Professionals Beyond Your Network

InMail lets you send messages to professionals you’re not connected with, breaking down communication barriers.

Featured Applicant: Highlighting Job Applications with Premium

This icon increases visibility for your job applications, potentially giving you an edge in the competitive job market.

Privacy Icons

Managing your privacy ensures a comfortable networking experience.

Profile Viewing Options: Tailoring Your Visibility

Choose between private and public profile viewing options, respecting your preferences.

Activity Broadcast: Controlling Activity Notifications

Toggle your activity broadcast on or off to control what your network sees about your actions.


LinkedIn icons are your tools for navigating this dynamic platform. Understanding their meanings and leveraging their functions can elevate your networking game, enhancing your professional journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the purpose of the “Featured Applicant” icon?

The “Featured Applicant” icon, available with LinkedIn Premium, increases visibility for your job applications, potentially giving you an edge in the competitive job market.

How can I adjust who sees my profile updates?

You can control your profile update visibility in the settings, allowing you to share updates with your network or keep them private.

Can I customize the icons on my LinkedIn page?

No, the icons themselves are standardized by LinkedIn. However, you can customize the content you share using these icons to align with your professional goals.

How do I message someone I’m not connected with?

LinkedIn Premium offers the “InMail” feature, enabling you to send direct messages to professionals you’re not connected with.

What’s the best way to make my LinkedIn profile stand out?

Use a professional profile photo, craft a compelling headline, share valuable content, and actively engage with your network to create a standout LinkedIn profile.

Also, check our posts about settings, calendar, and check icons.

Decoding the LinkedIn Logo: Brand Insights

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, is recognized globally by its iconic logo. Beyond its visual appeal, the logo carries profound symbolism and reflects the brand’s core values and mission. In this article, we will dive deep into the LinkedIn logo, uncovering its design elements, color choices, and the underlying message it conveys to users.

The LinkedIn logo is an emblem of professional connections, networking, and career development. It stands as a representation of the platform’s commitment to facilitating meaningful interactions among professionals. Let’s explore its journey of evolution and the design choices that make it stand out in the digital landscape.

Evolution of the LinkedIn Logo

Over the years, the LinkedIn logo has undergone several transformations. From the initial launch to the present day, each redesign has been a careful reflection of the platform’s evolution. The earliest version was adorned with a prominent “IN” symbol, signifying individual connections within the network.

Color Psychology in Branding

The color palette of the LinkedIn logo is composed of blue and white. Blue, often associated with trust, professionalism, and reliability, aligns perfectly with the platform’s mission to foster genuine professional relationships. The white space within the logo symbolizes clarity and transparency.

The Emblem and Its Significance

The emblem within the LinkedIn logo is a combination of the letter “in” and the silhouette of a person, forming a cohesive unit. This clever design portrays the essence of LinkedIn – bringing people together for networking and opportunities.

The Connection of Professionals

The intertwined letters “in” symbolize the interconnectedness of professionals on the platform. It illustrates how the collaboration and exchange of ideas between individuals can lead to mutual growth and success.

The Message of Unity and Networking

The overarching message of the LinkedIn logo is unity through networking. It underscores the importance of building relationships, sharing knowledge, and leveraging the power of a professional community to achieve common goals.

Modernization and Simplicity

With each logo iteration, LinkedIn has embraced modern design trends while maintaining simplicity. This combination ensures that the logo remains relevant and recognizable amidst evolving design landscapes.

The Role of White Space

The generous use of white space not only lends an uncluttered look to the logo but also signifies transparency and openness. It highlights the platform’s commitment to authentic connections.

Mobile App Icon

The LinkedIn logo’s mobile app icon is a condensed version of the emblem. It retains the core elements, ensuring instant recognition even within limited screen space.

The Influence on User Perception

Studies show that a well-designed logo positively influences user perception. The professionalism conveyed by the LinkedIn logo encourages users to engage more confidently on the platform.

LinkedIn Logo vs. Competitors

Compared to its competitors, the LinkedIn logo distinctively emphasizes professionalism and networking. This sets it apart from other social media logos that focus on personal interactions.

The Impact of Consistency

Consistency in logo design plays a pivotal role in establishing brand identity. LinkedIn’s commitment to maintaining a consistent logo across various touchpoints reinforces its brand image.

LinkedIn’s Global Reach

The LinkedIn logo’s universality transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, signifying its global reach and impact in the professional sphere.

In conclusion, the LinkedIn logo is not just a visual symbol; it encapsulates the platform’s philosophy, values, and mission. Its design elements, color palette, and emblem all work in harmony to communicate professionalism, unity, and the power of networking. The logo stands as a testament to LinkedIn’s role in transforming the professional landscape.


  1. What does the “in” symbol in the LinkedIn logo represent? The “in” symbol signifies interconnectedness and networking among professionals.
  2. Why is blue the dominant color in the LinkedIn logo? Blue is associated with trust, professionalism, and reliability, aligning with LinkedIn’s mission.
  3. How has the LinkedIn logo evolved over time? The logo has evolved to reflect the platform’s growth, adopting modern design trends while retaining its core message.
  4. What is the significance of the emblem within the LinkedIn logo? The emblem combines the “in” symbol and a person’s silhouette, representing the unity and collaboration of professionals.
  5. Why is consistency important in logo design? Consistency reinforces brand identity and helps users recognize the logo across different contexts.

Mastering LinkedIn Logo Usage Guidelines: Establishing Your Brand Identity

In today’s digital age, creating a strong online presence is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Social media platforms play a significant role in building and promoting your brand. One such platform that holds immense professional potential is LinkedIn. To make the most of this platform and establish a compelling brand identity, it’s essential to master LinkedIn logo usage guidelines. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about effectively using LinkedIn logos to enhance your brand’s visibility.

LinkedIn’s platform offers an incredible opportunity to connect, collaborate, and expand your professional network. However, the key to making a lasting impression lies in how well you adhere to the platform’s logo usage guidelines.

Introduction to LinkedIn Logo Usage

Your logo is the visual representation of your brand. On LinkedIn, using your logo effectively can help you establish credibility, professionalism, and a consistent brand identity. By following LinkedIn’s guidelines, you can ensure that your logo is presented in the best possible light.

The Importance of Consistent Branding

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective branding. When your audience sees your logo, they should instantly recognize it as yours. Consistent use of your logo across various platforms and communications reinforces your brand’s identity and makes it easier for people to remember and engage with your content.

Understanding LinkedIn’s Logo Guidelines

LinkedIn provides specific guidelines to maintain the integrity of their brand and yours. These guidelines cover various aspects of logo usage, including logo variations, clear space, minimum size, and prohibited modifications. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your logo looks professional and aligns with the overall aesthetics of the platform.

Steps to Properly Use LinkedIn Logos

To use LinkedIn logos correctly, start by downloading the official logo package from the LinkedIn Brand Resources page. The package includes different logo variations for various use cases. Whether you’re using the logo for digital content or print media, selecting the appropriate version is essential.

Elevating Your Brand with Showcase Pages

LinkedIn Showcase Pages provide an avenue to highlight specific aspects of your business. When creating a Showcase Page, incorporating your logo and relevant visual assets is crucial. This helps in visually connecting the Showcase Page with your main company page, providing a seamless brand experience for your audience.

Building Trust and Recognition

Placing LinkedIn logos on your company website and including them in email signatures and correspondence adds professionalism to your interactions. It also reassures visitors and recipients that they are engaging with an authentic and established brand.

Leveraging Logos for Content Sharing

Incorporating your logo into articles and posts enhances your content’s credibility. It signals to readers that the content is coming from a trusted source. Additionally, when sharing external content, ensure that the source’s logo is correctly displayed to give proper credit.

Avoiding Common Logo Mistakes

Blurry, stretched, or outdated logos can significantly impact your brand’s perception. Always use high-quality, up-to-date logo files to maintain a polished appearance. Violating LinkedIn’s logo guidelines can result in negative consequences, so it’s essential to stay compliant.

Engaging with the LinkedIn Community

Joining and participating in relevant LinkedIn groups can help you connect with like-minded professionals and potential clients. Sharing valuable insights through articles and posts not only showcases your expertise but also enhances your brand’s visibility within the community.

Conclusion: Shaping Your Professional Brand

Mastering LinkedIn logo usage guidelines is a valuable skill that can contribute to your brand’s success. By following these guidelines, you can create a cohesive and professional online presence that resonates with your target audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I modify the LinkedIn logo to fit my brand colors? While LinkedIn provides logo variations, it’s essential to use them as-is to maintain brand consistency and recognition.
  2. Are there size requirements for placing logos on LinkedIn articles? Yes, LinkedIn has minimum size requirements to ensure logos remain clear and legible in various contexts.
  3. Can I use the LinkedIn logo as my profile picture? LinkedIn’s guidelines advise against using their logo as a personal profile picture. It’s better suited for company branding.
  4. What should I do if I spot a misuse of the LinkedIn logo? You can report any misuse of the LinkedIn logo by using the platform’s reporting tools or contacting LinkedIn support.
  5. Is it necessary to use LinkedIn logos on my company website? While not mandatory, using LinkedIn logos on your company website adds an extra layer of credibility and professionalism.

Cracking the Code: LinkedIn’s Brand Identity

In the realm of professional networking and digital connections, LinkedIn stands as a formidable player. Its brand identity is much more than just a logo and color scheme—it encompasses its core values, mission, and the unique user experience it provides. Let’s delve into the intricacies of LinkedIn’s brand identity and how it has managed to establish itself as the go-to platform for professionals around the world.

LinkedIn, founded in 2002, has evolved from being just another social networking platform to becoming an essential tool for professionals across various industries. Its brand identity plays a pivotal role in its success, shaping how users perceive and interact with the platform.

The Foundation of LinkedIn’s Brand Identity

Defining Brand Identity

LinkedIn’s brand identity is the soul of its platform. It encompasses the company’s mission, values, voice, and how it wishes to be perceived by its users and the public.

LinkedIn’s Mission and Values

LinkedIn’s mission is to “connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.” This mission underscores its commitment to being more than just a job search platform—it aims to foster meaningful professional relationships.

The Visual Elements

Logo Evolution

LinkedIn’s logo has undergone a gradual transformation over the years. The “in” logo has become synonymous with professional networking.

Color Palette Significance

The blue color in LinkedIn’s palette represents trust, reliability, and professionalism, which are essential in the world of business connections.

Typography Choices

LinkedIn’s choice of typography reflects a balance between modernity and professionalism. Clear, readable fonts ensure a seamless user experience.

User Experience and Interface

Professional Tone

LinkedIn maintains a formal yet approachable tone, making users feel like they are in a professional setting.

Content Diversity

From job postings to thought leadership articles, LinkedIn’s content diversity caters to various professional needs.

User-Friendly Interface

The platform’s user interface is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to navigate effortlessly through connections, job listings, and news updates.

Consistency Across Platforms

Mobile App

LinkedIn’s mobile app offers the same experience as its desktop version, ensuring users can connect on the go.

Desktop Version

The desktop version maintains a clean and organized layout, making it easy for users to access their connections and valuable content.

Building Trust and Credibility

User Privacy and Security

LinkedIn places a strong emphasis on user data security, fostering trust among its users.

Endorsements and Recommendations

Endorsements and recommendations enhance users’ credibility, reflecting positively on their personal brand.

Leveraging Content for Branding

Thought Leadership Articles

LinkedIn’s publishing platform allows professionals to share their expertise, positioning them as thought leaders.

Engaging Visual Posts

Visual content, like infographics and videos, adds a dynamic element to the platform, increasing engagement.

Evolution Over Time

From Job Search to Content Hub

LinkedIn expanded from being primarily a job search platform to becoming a comprehensive content hub.

Expanding Features and Services

New features like networking events and online courses demonstrate LinkedIn’s commitment to providing value beyond job listings.

Expanding the Network

Global Reach and Localization

With users from over 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn bridges cultural gaps and connects professionals worldwide.

Connecting Professionals Worldwide

LinkedIn’s powerful search and recommendation algorithms make connecting with relevant professionals easier than ever.

Challenges and Competition

Competition in the Digital Networking Sphere

LinkedIn faces competition from platforms like Xing and Viadeo, driving innovation and service improvement.

Adapting to Changing User Needs

The platform continuously evolves to meet the changing demands of its diverse user base.

Innovation and Future Outlook

Integration of New Technologies

LinkedIn explores AI and machine learning to enhance user experience and provide more personalized recommendations.

Anticipating Industry Trends

By staying ahead of industry trends, LinkedIn remains a relevant platform in the ever-changing digital landscape.

LinkedIn’s brand identity encapsulates its mission, values, and commitment to professional growth. With a seamless user experience, a focus on authenticity, and an evolving set of features, LinkedIn continues to be the cornerstone of professional networking in the digital age.


  1. How can I maximize my LinkedIn profile’s visibility? To boost your profile’s visibility, ensure it’s complete, use a professional photo, craft a compelling headline, and engage with relevant content.
  2. Can I use LinkedIn for business networking? Absolutely! LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for business networking, allowing you to connect with industry peers and potential clients.
  3. Is LinkedIn only for job seekers? No, LinkedIn is more than a job search platform. It’s a space for building your professional brand, sharing insights, and connecting with other professionals.
  4. Are endorsements important on LinkedIn? Endorsements can enhance your profile’s credibility by showcasing your skills and expertise through the validation of your connections.
  5. How often should I post on LinkedIn? Posting consistently is key. Aim for at least a few times a week to keep your network engaged and informed.

Incorporating LinkedIn Logos in Posts: Boost Your Professional Visibility

LinkedIn has evolved into more than just a platform for job seekers and recruiters; it’s a powerful networking hub where professionals can showcase their expertise, connect with industry peers, and share valuable insights. One way to enhance your presence on LinkedIn is by incorporating LinkedIn logos in your posts. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of using LinkedIn logos, guide you through the process, and offer tips on creating engaging content that captures attention.

Why Use LinkedIn Logos?

In a sea of content, LinkedIn logos act as eye-catching visual cues that immediately draw attention to your posts. They not only break up the text but also serve as a visual representation of your topic, making your content more memorable and shareable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Incorporating LinkedIn Logos

1 Selecting the Right Logo

Before you start, choose a LinkedIn logo that aligns with your content’s message. The logo should be relevant and complement the overall theme of your post.

2 Adding Logos to Your Text-based Posts

Integrating a logo in a text-based post is relatively straightforward. Use the LinkedIn logo code provided in the brand guidelines and insert it into your content using Markdown or HTML.

3 Placing Logos in Image Posts

For image-based posts, overlaying the logo strategically can enhance brand visibility. Ensure that the logo doesn’t overpower the main content of the image.

Best Practices for Using LinkedIn Logos Effectively

1 Keeping It Subtle and Relevant

While logos are attention-grabbing, subtlety is key. Your logo should enhance, not overshadow, your content’s message.

2 Maintaining Consistency

Consistency in logo placement across your posts establishes a cohesive brand presence and makes your content instantly recognizable.

3 Avoiding Overcrowding

Remember, less is more. Avoid cluttering your posts with too many logos, which can dilute your message’s impact.

Crafting Engaging Content for Maximum Impact

1 Know Your Audience

Understand who you’re speaking to and tailor your content to their needs and preferences.

2 Utilize Compelling Headlines

A captivating headline piques curiosity and encourages readers to explore your content further.

3 Tell a Story

Narratives captivate the human mind. Weave stories into your posts to create an emotional connection with your audience.

4 Incorporating Visuals

Images and videos, paired with logos, create a visually appealing experience that holds the reader’s attention.

The Psychology Behind Visual Elements

Understanding how visual elements influence perception can help you strategically use logos to establish trust and credibility.

Increasing Brand Awareness through Logos

Consistent logo integration across your posts reinforces your brand’s presence, increasing brand recall among your followers.

Enhancing Credibility and Professionalism

Logos lend an air of professionalism to your content, positioning you as a credible source of industry insights.

Understanding the Limitations and Guidelines

LinkedIn has specific guidelines on logo usage. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure compliance.

Tips for Mobile-Friendly Logo Integration

Optimize logo size and placement for mobile users to maintain a seamless experience across all devices.

Measuring Success: Analytics and Insights

Utilize LinkedIn’s analytics to gauge the impact of your logo-enhanced posts. Identify trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Future Trends in Visual Branding on LinkedIn

Stay ahead by keeping an eye on emerging trends in visual content and logo usage on the platform.

Incorporating LinkedIn logos in your posts is a powerful strategy to enhance your professional visibility and make your content stand out in a crowded digital landscape. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you can effectively leverage logos to establish your brand, connect with your audience, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


Q1: Can I use any LinkedIn logo in my posts? A1: While you can use LinkedIn logos, it’s crucial to adhere to LinkedIn’s logo usage guidelines to maintain consistency.

Q2: How many logos should I use in a single post? A2: It’s recommended to use one logo per post to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Q3: What if I’m not a design expert? A3: You don’t need to be a design expert. Many online tools and platforms can help you integrate logos seamlessly.

Q4: Can I use logos in both personal and business-related posts? A4: Yes, you can use logos in both personal and business-related posts to enhance your content’s visual appeal.

The Psychology of Colors in the LinkedIn Logo

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where visual communication plays a pivotal role, logos have become more than just symbols; they convey emotions, values, and messages. The LinkedIn logo is a prime example of this phenomenon. By meticulously choosing specific colors for their logo, LinkedIn taps into the psychology of colors to evoke feelings, establish connections, and communicate its brand identity effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Psychology of Colors
    • Color Associations
    • Emotional Impact
  3. The Significance of Blue in the LinkedIn Logo
    • Trust and Professionalism
    • Connection and Networking
  4. The Hidden Impact of White
    • Simplicity and Clarity
    • Professionalism and Balance
  5. Touches of Black and Grey
    • Sophistication and Elegance
    • Strength and Authority
  6. The Subtle Influence of Gold
    • Prestige and Achievement
    • Optimism and Confidence
  7. Combining Colors for Maximum Impact
  8. Implementing Psychology in Branding Strategies
  9. The Evolution of the LinkedIn Logo
  10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Logos are more than just visual elements; they convey a brand’s personality and essence. One of the most well-known logos in the professional world is that of LinkedIn. This article delves into the fascinating world of color psychology and how it shapes the LinkedIn logo’s perception.

2. Understanding the Psychology of Colors

Color Associations

Colors trigger powerful emotions and associations in the human mind. Understanding these associations is essential when creating a logo. Blue, white, black, grey, and gold – the colors in the LinkedIn logo – each carry distinct meanings.

Emotional Impact

Colors can evoke emotions, such as trust, excitement, or calmness. This emotional impact is a key factor in logo design, as it directly influences how people perceive a brand.

3. The Significance of Blue in the LinkedIn Logo

Trust and Professionalism

The dominant blue color in the LinkedIn logo exudes trust, professionalism, and reliability. It signifies the platform as a trustworthy place for professional networking and career growth.

Connection and Networking

The shade of blue also promotes a sense of connection and networking, aligning with LinkedIn’s core purpose of fostering professional relationships.

4. The Hidden Impact of White

Simplicity and Clarity

White, the background color, represents simplicity and clarity. It accentuates the content and reflects the platform’s user-friendly interface.

Professionalism and Balance

White’s association with cleanliness and professionalism complements LinkedIn’s positioning as a platform for serious professionals.

5. Touches of Black and Grey

Sophistication and Elegance

Black and grey accents bring a touch of sophistication and elegance to the logo, reflecting the idea of achievement and aspiration.

Strength and Authority

These darker hues also add an element of strength and authority, emphasizing LinkedIn’s role in empowering individuals in their careers.

6. The Subtle Influence of Gold

Prestige and Achievement

The subtle gold accent in the logo signifies prestige, success, and achievement. It underlines the platform’s role in helping individuals reach their professional milestones.

Optimism and Confidence

Gold’s warm undertone infuses the logo with optimism and confidence, reinforcing the idea that opportunities abound on the platform.

7. Combining Colors for Maximum Impact

The careful combination of these colors is what makes the LinkedIn logo so impactful. Each color complements the others, resulting in a harmonious and visually appealing design.

8. Implementing Psychology in Branding Strategies

Understanding color psychology extends beyond logo design. Brands can strategically use colors to evoke specific emotions in their audience, fostering a deeper connection.

9. The Evolution of the LinkedIn Logo

The LinkedIn logo has undergone several changes over the years. Each change reflects the evolution of the brand’s identity and its alignment with the shifting trends in design and psychology.

In the realm of logo design, color psychology plays a vital role. The LinkedIn logo brilliantly uses the psychology of colors to establish trust, encourage networking, and convey professionalism. By understanding the impact of each color, brands can create logos that resonate deeply with their target audience.


Q1: Does the color of a logo really influence how people perceive a brand? A: Yes, colors evoke emotions and associations that directly impact a brand’s perception.

Q2: How can businesses implement color psychology in their branding strategies? A: Businesses can choose colors that align with their values and the emotions they want to evoke in their customers.

Q3: Why did LinkedIn choose blue as its dominant logo color? A: Blue signifies trust, professionalism, and connection – all of which are integral to LinkedIn’s platform.

Q4: Can color psychology be applied beyond logos? A: Absolutely, color psychology can be used in websites, marketing materials, and product design to enhance customer experience.

Q5: What does the gold accent in the LinkedIn logo represent? A: The gold accent represents prestige, achievement, and optimism, highlighting the platform’s potential for professional success.

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